

Alkebulan Short Book Series on African Spirituality
By Nyasanii ©

How to live as an African
The light within me
honours the light
within you
Gye Nyame (except
for The Almighty)
The Adinkra Symbol, Gye Nyame
expresses the Supremacy of The
Almighty Creator (The Great Chi)
The Adinkra symbol The Moon and the
Star (Osram Ne Nsoromma) denotes
love, faithfulness and harmony.
I don’t discriminate, look down or judge anyone based on
how they choose to “believe” in The Almighty.
That will be ignorant.
I know The Almighty, so I don’t believe in The Almighty. You
only believe in something because you don’t know it or can’t
prove it.
I don’t believe in my parents; I know my parents. So, I know
The Almighty ❤️
When invited…I go to;
Church ⛪
Mosque 🕌
Synagogue 🕍
Temples 💫
Shrines ❤️
I do not speak about Religious tolerance;
I speak about Religious harmony.
All Paths lead to The Almighty.
The Adinkra symbol of Peace and Harmony (Bin
Nka Bi) advocating refrain from corruption of the
soul, backbiting and cheating. Create the enabling
environment for possibility mindsets to thrive.
I am not limited by earthly or human labels. I am
not into Religion nor is Religion in me. I am beyond
man made concepts and inspiration from humans. I
do not involve myself in petty debates about
beliefs or trying to prove that my way is better.
I simply live a vegan, natural, chemical free lifestyle
based on truth and love. I pray for everyone
including those who choose to be my enemy.
I am thankful each day of my life and I feel deep
immense gratitude for every blessing, every
challenge, every opportunity and every single
moment that I have to experience this Universe.
Nature and the Universe are my Inspiration. I learn
about my inner Universe by looking at the outer
Universe and vice versa. ❤️
The Adinkra symbol The Heart (Akoma) denoting
patience & tolerance. To stand out, one needs to
pursue things that engage the heart.
I am inspired by LOVE ❤️.
Odomakoma is LOVE
The Adinkra symbol of
(Fawohodie) shows that when one is liberated
from their constraints, in our case fear, one can
take powerful decisions.
Hatred is the opposite of LOVE ❤️ why would
anyone want to live a moment of this beautiful life
in hatred? Hatred manifest in many different ways
… fears, anger, jealousy, sick ideas, gossip,
backstabbing, slave labour, slave wages,
inhumane treatment etc
On the issue of Colour, Race and Gender, The
Almighty Creator is not limited by Colour, Race or
Gender, or by our him or her titles
does not need or require any special promises or
intermediaries or our petty gifts and big
The Adinkra symbol of Linked Hearts (Akoma
Ntoso) denoting Understanding and Agreement
calls for a merging of thought and heart to remain
true to oneself.
I have a direct relationship with The Almighty
Creator, nobody, no-one can come between that
relationship, it is private and confidential.
What I say or converse with The Almighty Creator is
only known to me in my mind and my Spirit (Chi)…
nobody has the power nor the authority to
intervene or to have a say in what I do or how I do it.
I hurt nobody. Nobody hurts me.
I live in Peace guided by LOVE ❤️
The Adinkra symbol of Greatness,
Charisma and Leadership (Adinkrahene)
regarded as Chief of Adinkra
I AM an African Spiritual Being. I am a
FREE Spirit.
I AM not a Human being having a
Spiritual experience.
I AM a Spirit having a Human
The Adinkra symbol Child of the Heavens-Star
(Nsoromma) denoting guardianship. You are a
Star, so keep shining and do not allow your light
to be dimmed.
I am not my body. I am more than my body. Who
I am is inside and outside the body (my Chi). I
am connected yet detached. Alone but not
lonely. My thoughts are from my environment
hence why we say environ- mental the
surrounding mind (society, family, community,
the office, school etc). And my thoughts are
from within. I filter my daily thoughts and my
environ-ment based on our ancient values
Each day I live as a Spiritual Scientist, I have
learnt Nyansa (Wisdom) by reflecting on my
experiences and the wisdom of my beautiful ❤️
Ancestors. They have shown me the way…I know
what it feels like to be in Heaven and to be in
Hell, these are two states of our earthly life.
When life is good, I am in Heaven and when Life
is really tough I am in Hell.
My beautiful Ancestors ❤️ have also giving me
knowledge of reincarnation and mapped out a
Blueprint on how to live forever by living
righteously now. Doing good. Being in Love ❤️
The Adinkra symbol Return and Get It (Sankofa)
denotes importance of learning from the past. To
go back and take what is yours to fix your present
I am a divine being, sacred, free, graceful….
My Temple is Nature, Asaase Yaa, Mother Earth
My connection to Olodumare, Odomakoma, Ata Naa
Nyunmor, Ayiba, Nukunlunkulu, Chineke, Amma….(The
Almighty) is….. Libation
LIBATION PRAYER and my Breath…..expressed in my
words and the movement in my Soul. I tap into my
Our Beautiful Ancestors, those who gave me life to be
here today. The first Humans on Earth, the Creators of the
Greatest Civilisations on Earth, The Greatest Inventors,
the Divine beings who have ascended and who descend
from time to time to RESTORE the balance.
I call on them daily…. I love them dearly ❤️
The Adinkra symbol Five Tufts of Hair
(Mpuannum) denotes priestly office, loyalty and
When I pray daily, I pour LIBATION and it connects
me immediately to both nature and the universe.
To The Almighty
Our Ancestors.
I can dial into all my blessings and feel Oneness
with everything, everything is LOVE ❤️.
The Almighty Creator is ❤️ LOVE.
The Adinkra symbol of Greatness, Charisma
and Leadership (Adinkrahene) also regarded
as the Chief of the Adinkra symbols shows
there are times one must lead and impact
their society. Restoration.
When you elevate your thinking,
you become a Celestial Being. You
express ONLY LOVE ❤️
Be You!
The Adinkra symbol War Horn (Akoben)
denoting Vigilance and Wariness
requires one to be in a constant state of
awareness and preparedness.
Alkebulan Short Book Series on African
~ Nyansanii
Nyasa Moments ⚡
Alkebulan (African) Spiritual Scientis

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