Temple of Africa People, Communities and Business Development
About The Temple of Africa
The Temple of Africa is a Spiritual Organisation located in Akuapem, Eastern Region of Ghana and serves as a HOLY place of convergence for all African Spiritual People in Africa and the African Diaspora. This is one of our Holy Places in Africa for Pilgrimages. A place to bring together all Traditional Practitioners.
A place to focus our energy on Restoration. A place to praise and worship in an African way. The Temple of Africa is here to fill a void, to calm the inner storm and to satisfy a deep insatiable curiosity into the ways of our beautiful and amazing Ancestors which are still present till this day in our Villages and Towns.
The Temple of Africa serves as a place for Healing and for Learning about Traditional African Healing Practices. It will also serve as a place to organise, educate and elevate our Priestesses and Priests.
The Temple of Africa serves as a LIGHT, a place for all Africans to meet and celebrate our History, Culture and our Divinity.
We are Afrikania (Afri means “We come from” and Kania means “Light” in the Akan Language of Ghana.
As a Person of African Origin
I want: To learn and understand African Spirituality
So That: I can understand and reconcile the past, know what to do today to feel awesome and put in place a way of life that makes it possible to achieve my life purpose and experience more joy. DAILY
What Is African Spirituality
African Spirituality is a way of life that embraces the idea of the Oneness of Creation and a Universal Creator. The Universal Creator is Man, Woman and Spirit (Energy). This Universal Creator transcends race, gender, tribe, religion, disabilities or our current consciousness.
We see everything as connected. Nature (oceans, rivers, streams, trees, insects, birds, animals, fishes etc),The Universe (stars and planets) and all Humans are Connected in the Dance and Cycle of Life. Night and Day. Cold and Hot. Rain and Sunshine. These are all manifestations of the Universal Creator.
All are Divine. We have reached a level of awareness in our consciousness where we know that African Spirituality is not in a Book. It is in Nature and across the various Universes (Multi -Verses). Because we see everything as connected, sacred and divine, We cannot destroy or support the destruction of any aspect of that Creation…which includes people, animals, Trees, Water and everything else within Mother Nature (Asase Yaa, Eno).
African Spirituality promotes a lifestyle for YOU based on African values of love and respect, positive cultural practices and continuously improving your life by recognising that…You are not just a Human Being having a Spiritual experience.. YOU are a Spirit having a Human Experience. Common Sense Approach.